Workshops & Trainings

From students, parents, staff members, and educators to artists, activists, and entrepreneurs, we offer engaging, relevant, and impactful trainings and workshops for people who are serious about adding effective processes to their passion and purpose. When it comes to content delivery, we don’t believe one size fits all. We tailor our presentations to meet your content, audience size, time, and programming needs.

Mental Health / Personal Wellness / Thriving

Just because a someone is experiencing high levels of measurable successes (academically and / or professionally) does not mean that they are thriving. In fact, many people that achieve the highest levels of measurable success are often  miserable in the process. So in other words, success doesn’t guarantee you’re thriving, however, if someone is thriving, it almost guarantees they will experience measurable successes along the way. This workshop is designed to teach audience how to connect with the four essentials for thriving:

  1. Somewhere (Hope for the future / Optimistic outlook on life)
  2. Somehow (A plan or strategy for accomplishing your goals and aspirations)
  3. Something (A connection to a higher power, higher purpose, or higher calling)
  4. Someone (A connection to a non-judgmental community of care)

From this moment on, you can choose to live above your circumstances and experience life to the fullest in a healthy, positive, and productive way.

Student Achievement

One of the greatest powers that humans posses is our power to choose. This program reminds students that their personal power to enhance their academic experience starts with the choices they make from this moment on. Research shows that in order for students to thrive they need to be inspired and equipped to demonstrate proficiency in four areas:

  1. critical thinking
  2. creativity
  3. communication
  4. collaboration

These four elements for success are the driving force behind this program that is uniquely designed to move students from inspiration to action.

Educators / Mentors

Young people gravitate toward, respond to, and are willing to learn from adults they believe truly C.A.R.E. about them. Before the learning and development process can begin it is vital that we establish a culture of C.A.R.E. within our schools, programs, and communities. As adults, we have a responsibility to awaken this generation to the chances they have to experience academic and social success and to be an ally, guiding them through the choices they’re making every day to achieve that success. Participants will walk away with a new or renewed passion for youth engagement as well as impact tools and resources that are immediately applicable, engaging, relevant, and fun. It’s time to listen, react, share, and do our part to show our young people, who C.A.R.E.s.


As parents we are called to be first responders in the life of our children. Simply put, if we don’t respond to them…someone else will. This workshop inspires and equips parents and caregivers to celebrate the privilege of parenting while learning some simple tips and techniques for effectively engaging and inspiring your children to do their best and be their best.

Artists / Activists / Entrepreneurs

As artists or entrepreneurs we often step out into our dreams really high on passion and low on process. We know what we love and we know what we’re really good at, we just don’t know how to create a situation that makes our product, program, or service accessible and attractive to our target audience. It’s important that we understand how to add process to our passion so that we don’t end up frustrated, discouraged, and disillusioned. This workshop teaches audiences how to effectively and efficiently operate in their element: doing what you love, doing it well, and doing it for the right reasons.