
The FTMO Poem

Listen to and share this powerful poem that is one of the highlights of Javier’s live presentations.

Personal Action Plans

Javier and Marshall are firm believers that the opportunities to experience life to the fullest in a healthy, positive, and productive way  are set in motion the moment you decide to create a personal strategy for your success.

They also believe that there is a big difference between being someone who is successful and being someone who is thriving. A lot of people who are so-called successful still experience high levels of stress, anxiety, fear of failure, and pressure to perform. Many live unfulfilled lives and make unhealthy choices in the process. However, a person who is thriving (has an optimistic outlook on life, has a plan for accomplishing their goals and aspirations, has a significant connection to a higher power or higher purpose, and has developed strong / healthy relationships with others) tend to experience high levels of measurable successes along the way.

So in other words, success doesn’t guarantee you are thriving, but thriving almost guarantees you will experience high levels of measurable success throughout your life.

We’ve created a series of FREE and EASY TO USE personal action planning tools. You can access, download, and share them with others and immediately begin your journey towards thriving and experiencing life to the fullest in a healthy, positive, and productive way.

The Book

The From This Moment On book is the perfect tool to ensure that the FTMO message is not just a temporary feel good experience, but actually has real world relevance and long term sustainability. This book is not about motivation or empowerment, it’s about moving the reader from inspiration to action! Reading this book shouldn’t just make someone FEEL better, it’s purpose is to make them want to BE better and DO better. When a person becomes intentional about experiencing life to the fullest in a healthy, positive, and productive way, everything in their life will start to elevate!

Once you have your copy of “From This Moment On”, you’ll have access to the password that you can enter for Free Stuff!

The Online Experience

Studies show that the more time we spend on social media the higher levels of stress, anxiety, and depression we can experience. Much of this can be attributed to comparing our “real” life with other people’s seemingly perfect digital life.

It’s important to populate your social media timelines with positivity and life-building images and messages. Connecting with us via Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter will do just that.