The From This Moment On message has reached hundreds of thousands of youth and adults all over the world! The goal of these presentations isn’t to create a powerful moment, but rather ignite a powerful movement in the lives of each audience member, as well as the life of your school, organization, corporation, or community.
As human beings one of the greatest powers we possess is the power to choose. This program reminds audiences that their personal power to change their lives and change the world around them starts with the choices they make from this moment on. Your past does not have to disqualify you from your future and amazing things can start to happen in your life the moment you realize this and recognize how valuable and necessary each of us truly are. This life building message delivered through comedy, poetry, and powerful story telling is guaranteed to move your audience from inspiration to action!
As students, artists, activists, entrepreneurs, employers, or employees, we typically fit into one of three categories; We’re high on passion and low on process, high on process and low on passion, or low on passion and process.
This highly engaging and interactive presentation helps participants discover the importance of connection, competency, and contribution, along with how to effectively and efficiently operate in your element; doing what you love, doing it well, and doing it for the right reasons.
The From This Moment On book is the perfect tool to ensure that the FTMO message is not just a temporary feel good experience, but actually has real world relevance and long term sustainability. This book is not about motivation or empowerment, it’s about moving the reader from inspiration to action! Reading this book shouldn’t just make someone FEEL better, it’s purpose is to make them want to BE better and DO better. When a person becomes intentional about experiencing life to the fullest in a healthy, positive, and productive way, everything in their life will start to elevate!